Smith2016 Science Fair & STEM Nite
Register to participate.
All young scientists wishing to display a project at the fair must register in advance through this online form. We strongly encourage early registration in order to reserve your space and your project board. Registration deadline is March 7. This deadline will be enforced because we need time to organize individual certificates and layout plans for event.
Projects should be student driven.
Project ideas should come from the students, and the project should be driven by them. Parents should use their best judgment in deciding when to get involved, such as when there is a potential safety issue. For especially young kids, parents may provide some guidance, but it is important that the kids be able to call the project their own.
Working with someone else.
You may work on your project independently, or you may optionally work with a partner who is also a student at Samantha Smith Elementary, for example, a classmate or a sibling. You can also do a project involving your whole class!
Need help choosing a topic?
When it comes to choosing a topic, the sky is the limit! What have you wondered about? The best topics come from your own genuine curiosity about how something works, or why something is the way that it is. But if you have trouble thinking of something on your own, the internet is full of resources to help you choose a topic.
Some useful links are
Judging and awards.
The goal of our science fair is to encourage scientific exploration and discovery and promote a deep lifelong passion for science. Each participant's project will be displayed at the Fair and the students will get an opportunity to present their work to the parents and other students during the fair. Each participant will receive a certificate.
• Judging will be done just prior to the public display. Please see judging criteria by clicking link above.
• Tri-folds need to be submitted if you wish your project to be judged.
• You do not need to be present at the time of judging.
• Project entries with partners will be judged according to the higher grade participant.
• Students attending the Fair will get a chance to vote for one project per grade for the Dolphin Choice Award !!
Awards will be distributed at a later date in the school assembly. Winning Projects(only tri-folds) will be displayed in the library for 2 weeks. All the other projects/tri-folds will go home with participants.

Submit your photos!
During the evening of the science fair, on the big screen we will be displaying a slide show of photos taken by you! So parents -- while your young scientist is busy conducting that wild experiment, sneak out your digital camera and capture some shots. Then upload them here by March 15th, so we can include them in the slide show. Note: All submissions may not be included in the show.
Volunteers needed!
A big event like the science fair wouldn't be possible without the help of numerous volunteers. We have all kinds of different jobs to be done, so if think you can spare an hour or two on the day of the fair, we would love your help. Please contact Swarnima Aswinkumar at and sign up now! A separate link for volunteer signup is available through the Smith PTSA website.
• Submissions must be presented on a tri-fold display board,36"x48". (available at, Staples, Fredmeyer etc. Grade K and Grade 1 students can use smaller 24"x 36" boards.
• The project must stand by itself and cannot be fastened to the table or walls in any fashion.
• The projects will be done by the students at home and will culminate in a school fair held at Smith on March 24th.
• Projects must be overseen by parents for safety reasons.
• All projects will be done at home and only the results (which can include pictures, prototypes [inventions] and videos) can be brought to school.
Projects may not include
• Science or math kits from stores.
• Expensive or non-replaceable personal property items.
• Live animals or pets (even insects.).
• No matches or open flame.NO FIRES OF ANY KIND!
• Chemicals that are toxic, flammable or dangerous.
• Electricity passing through an un-insulated wire.
• Blood or gory animal or body parts.
• Uncontained messes. (for e.g. NO volcanoes)
• Uncontained liquids of any kind.
• Any chemical reactions can not be done at the school.
You can do them at home/ make a video /take pictures and display them.
• We don't want any explosions (even safe ones) done at school.
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